Democrats would rather see me DEAD than back in the White House. But those deranged psychopaths would settle for 187 years of prison time instead.
If they get away with this mob-style attack on the most popular president in AMERICAN HISTORY, imagine what they’ll try to do to YOU!
You’re getting this message because I know you will never give in, you will never give up, and you will never, ever surrender.
So before the day ends, I’m calling on YOU to UNLEASH A POWERFUL DECLARATION OF PEACEFUL PATRIOTIC FURY by chipping in and saying: I STAND WITH TRUMP! >
Your support has powered my campaign through the darkest times we’ve ever faced. Without YOU, I’D BE FINISHED!
But I’m still standing, and as long as I am, I will continue our UNSTOPPABLE mission to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Please, chip in and STAND WITH ME TODAY! >